Descendant's of Australia's War Horses Deserve Protection

Descendant's of Australia's War Horses Deserve Protection

Please support the Letter  stop our Heritage Brumbies from being shot and for the introduction of humane non lethal management

Brumby Action Group Incorporated a not for profit incorporated association

Please support the Letter  stop our Heritage Brumbies from being shot and for the introduction of humane non lethal management

Brumby Action Group Incorporated a not for profit incorporated association

Email your Federal Members of Parliament

The institutionalised prejudice against brumbies, fueled by rhetoric, inconclusive research produced by unelected ideological minorities, and now numbers that are deceitfully flawed and exaggerated must be loudly opposed.

Recent Independant research by Biostatistician Claire Galea has shown why the population claims by the Australian Alpine National Park are flawed. Deviance from the protocols of St Andrews has led to numbers being  manipulated upwards.

There are now institutionalized barriers blocking policy reform on Brumby protection which has become extreme and volatile, becoming a destructive force in Australian communities and even in the political arena. False claims of threats by parks managers are used to distract from the gross cruelty imposed on brumbies and the misleading population numbers.

Pro Brumby constituents do not wish to witness a Brumby slaughter, they demand protection and non lethal management for Brumbies. An independent count of brumbies is crucial to address the decades of flawed reporting.

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