We demand a Parliamentary Inquiry into National Parks and Wildlife Services management and the Depatment.The underhanded dispatch of brumbies to slaughter yards by NPWS must be investigated in a transparent Parliamentary Inquiry, not behind closed doors.
We demand the cruel and barbaric aerial, and ground shooting stop immediatly. and a count of Brumbies using up to date methods of retention zones and a declaration about how many may live in retention zones.
For too long Minister Penny Sharpe has ignored our growing concerns over the diminishing populatin of brumbies and her barbaric slaughter of brumbies that will lead to ...
We demand a Parliamentary Inquiry into National Parks and Wildlife Services management and the Depatment.The underhanded dispatch of brumbies to slaughter yards by NPWS must be investigated in a transparent Parliamentary Inquiry, not behind closed doors.
We demand the cruel and barbaric aerial, and ground shooting stop immediatly. and a count of Brumbies using up to date methods of retention zones and a declaration about how many may live in retention zones.
For too long Minister Penny Sharpe has ignored our growing concerns over the diminishing populatin of brumbies and her barbaric slaughter of brumbies that will lead to a breach of Legislation and Heritage value of brumbies by defeating the purpose of the Legislation. For too long Invasive Species Council a non government organisation have interfered in control of the Department. We have no confidence in either NPWS or the Minister.
Enough is enough.
Photo : My Big Backyard productions
Campaign by Brumby Action Group Incorporated a not for profit incofporated association the purpose of which is the preservation and conservation of wild living brumbies.